Usage accounting and priority
All users belong to an account (usually their PI) where all usage is tracked on a per-user basis, but limitations and priorities can be set at a few different levels: at the cluster, partition, account, user, or QOS level. User associations with accounts rarely change, so in order to be able to temporarily request additional resources or obtain higher priority for certain projects, users can submit to different SLURM "Quality of Service"s (QOS). By default, all users can only submit jobs to the normal
QOS with equal resource limits and base priority for everyone. Periodically users may submit to the highprio
QOS instead, which has extra resources and higher priority (and therefore the usage is also billed 2x), however this must first be discussed among the owners of the hardware (PI's), and then you must contact an administrator to grant your user permission to submit jobs to it.
Job priority
When a job is submitted a priority value is calculated based on several factors, where a higher number indicates a higher priority in the queue. This does not impact running jobs, and the effect of prioritization is only noticable when the cluster is operating near peak capacity, or when the hardware partition to which the job has been submitted is nearly fully allocated. Otherwise jobs will usually start immediately as long as there are resources available and you haven't reached the maximum CPU's per user limit.
Different weights are given to the individual priority factors, where the most significant ones are the account fair-share factor (described in more detail below) and the QOS, as described above. All factors are normalized to a value between 0-1, then weighted by an adjustable scalar, which may be adjusted occasionally depending on the overall cluster usage. Users can also be nice to other users and reduce the priority of their own jobs by setting a "nice" value using --nice
when submitting for example less time-critical jobs. Job priorities are then calculated according to the following formula:
Job_priority =
(PriorityWeightQOS) * (QOS_factor)
(PriorityWeightAge) * (age_factor) +
(PriorityWeightFairshare) * (fair-share_factor) +
(PriorityWeightJobSize) * (job_size_factor) -
- nice_factor
To obtain the current configured weights use sprio -w
The priority of pending jobs will be shown in the job queue when running squeue
. To see the exact contributions of each factor to the priority of a pending job use sprio -j <jobid>
$ sprio -j 1282256
1282256 general 586 0 129 619 138 0
The job age and size factors are important to avoid the situation where large jobs can get stuck in the queue for a long time because smaller jobs will always fit in everywhere much more easily. The age factor will max out to 1.0
when 3 days of queue time has been accrued for any job. The job size factor is directly proportional to the number of CPUs requested, regardless of the time limit, and is normalized to the total number of CPUs in the cluster. Therefore the weight of it will always be configured to be equal to the total number of (physical) CPUs available in the cluster.
The fair-share factor
As the name implies, the fair-share factor is used to ensure that users within each account have their fair share of computing resources made available to them over time. Because the individual research groups have contributed with different amounts of hardware to the cluster, the overall share of computing resources made available to them should match accordingly. Secondly, the resource usage of individual users within each account is important to consider as well, so that users who may recently have vastly overused their shares within each account will not have the highest priority. The goal of the fair-share factor is to balance the usage of all users by adjusting job priorities, so that it's possible for everyone to use their fair share of computing resources over time. The fair-share factor is calculated according to the fair-tree algorithm, which is an integrated part of the SLURM scheduler. It has been configured with a usage decay half-life of 2 weeks, and the usage is completely reset at the first day of each month.
To see the current fair-share factor for your user and the amount of shares available for each account, you can run sshare
$ sshare
Account User RawShares NormShares RawUsage EffectvUsage FairShare
-------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ------------- ----------
root 0.000000 699456285 1.000000
root abc@bio.a+ 1 0.000548 1136501 0.001625 0.115183
ao 16 0.008762 0 0.000000
jln 272 0.148959 148170579 0.211843
kln 16 0.008762 48720153 0.069656
kt 48 0.026287 60884827 0.087049
ma 624 0.341731 185384914 0.265043
md 259 0.141840 60612473 0.086659
ml 16 0.008762 2789545 0.003974
mms 48 0.026287 92148476 0.131738
mto 16 0.008762 0 0.000000
ndj 16 0.008762 5181213 0.007408
phn 381 0.208653 62047356 0.088711
pk 16 0.008762 1 0.000000
rw 16 0.008762 18346721 0.026231
sss 48 0.026287 13392398 0.019147
students 16 0.008762 499066 0.000714
ts 16 0.008762 142053 0.000203
: the amount of "shares" assigned to each account (in our setup simply the number of CPUs each account has contributed with)NormShares
: the fraction of shares given to each account normalized to the total shares available across all accounts, e.g. a value of 0.33 means an account has been assigned 33% of all the resources available in the cluster.RawUsage
: usage of all jobs charged to the account or user. The value will decay over time depending on the usage decay half-life configured. TheRawUsage
for an account is the sum of theRawUsage
for each user within the account, thus indicative of which users have contributed the most to the account’s overall score.EffectvUsage
divided by the totalRawUsage
for the cluster, hence the column always sums to1.0
is therefore the percentage of the total cluster usage the account has actually used (in relation to the total usage, NOT the total capacity). In the example above, thema
account has used26.5%
of the total cluster usage since the last usage reset.FairShare
: The fair-share score calculated using the following formulaFS = 2^(-EffectvUsage/NormShares)
. TheFairShare
score can be interpreted by the following intervals:- 1.0: Unused. The account has not run any jobs since the last usage reset.
- 0.5 - 1.0: Underutilization. The account is underutilizing their granted share. For example a value of 0.75 means the account has underutilized their share 1:2
- 0.5: Average utilization. The account on average is using exactly as much as their granted share.
- 0.0 - 0.5: Over-utilization. The account is overusing their granted share. For example a value of 0.75 means the account has recently overutilized their share 2:1
- 0: No share left. The account is vastly overusing their granted share and users will get the lowest possible priority.
The fair-share factor and CPU efficiency
The value of the fair-share factor is calculated based on CPU usage in units of allocation seconds and not CPU seconds, which is normally the unit used for CPU usage reported by the sreport
and sacct
commands. Therefore, this also means that the CPU efficiency of past jobs directly impacts how much actual work can be done by the allocated CPUs for each user within each account before their fair share of resources is consumed for the period.
For more details about job prioritization see the SLURM documentation and this presentation.
QOS info and limitations
See all available QOS and their limitations:
$ sacctmgr show qos format="name,priority,usagefactor,mintres%20,maxtrespu,maxjobspu"
Name Priority UsageFactor MinTRES MaxTRESPU MaxJobsPU
---------- ---------- ----------- -------------------- ------------- ---------
normal 0 1.000000 cpu=1,mem=512M cpu=384 500
highprio 1 2.000000 cpu=1,mem=512M cpu=1024 2000
See details about account associations, allowed QOS's, and more, for your user:
# your user
$ sacctmgr show user withassoc where name=$USER
User Def Acct Admin Cluster Account Partition Share Priority MaxJobs MaxNodes MaxCPUs MaxSubmit MaxWall MaxCPUMins QOS Def QOS
---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ------- -------- -------- --------- ----------- ----------- -------------------- ---------
abc@bio.a+ root None biocloud root 1 1 highprio,normal normal
# all users
$ sacctmgr show user withassoc | less
Undergraduate students
Undergraduate students (up to but NOT including master projects) share resources within the students
account and only their combined usage is limited. View current limitations with for example:
$ sacctmgr list account students -s format="account,priority,MaxCPUs,grpcpus,qos" | head -n 3
Account Priority MaxCPUs GrpCPUs QOS
---------- ---------- -------- -------- --------------------
students 192 normal
Job resource usage summary
Running jobs
Use sstat
to show the status and live usage accounting information of only running jobs. For batch scripts you need to add .batch
to the job ID, for example:
This will print EVERY metric, so it's nice to select only a few most relevant ones, for example:
Useful format variables
Variable | Description |
avecpu | Average CPU time of all tasks in job. |
averss | Average resident set size of all tasks. |
avevmsize | Average virtual memory of all tasks in a job. |
jobid | The id of the Job. |
maxrss | Maximum number of bytes read by all tasks in the job. |
maxvsize | Maximum number of bytes written by all tasks in the job. |
ntasks | Number of tasks in a job. |
For all variables see the SLURM documentation
Past jobs
To view the status of past jobs and their usage accounting information use sacct
. sacct
will return everything accounted for by default which is very inconvenient to view in a terminal window, so the below command will show the most essential information:
$ sacct -o jobid,jobname,start,end,NNodes,NCPUS,ReqMem,CPUTime,AveRSS,MaxRSS --user=$USER --units=G -j 138
JobID JobName Start End NNodes NCPUS ReqMem CPUTime AveRSS MaxRSS
------------ ---------- ------------------- ------------------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
138 interacti+ 2023-11-21T10:43:48 2023-11-21T10:43:59 1 16 20G 00:02:56
138.interac+ interacti+ 2023-11-21T10:43:48 2023-11-21T10:43:59 1 16 00:02:56 0 0
138.extern extern 2023-11-21T10:43:48 2023-11-21T10:43:59 1 16 00:02:56 0.00G 0.00G
There are a huge number of other options to show, see SLURM docs. If you really want to see everything use sacct --long > file.txt
and dump it into a file or else it's too much for the terminal.
Reservation usage
Show reservation usage in CPU hours and percent of the reservation total used
$ sreport reservation utilization -t hourper
Reservation Utilization 2024-11-04T00:00:00 - 2024-11-04T23:59:59
Usage reported in TRES Hours/Percentage of Total
Cluster Name Start End TRES Name Allocated Idle
--------- --------- ------------------- ------------------- -------------- ----------------------------- -----------------------------
biocloud amplicon 2024-11-04T08:00:00 2024-11-05T15:18:55 cpu 1154(19.20%) 4858(80.80%)
Job efficiency summary
Individual jobs
To view the efficiencies of individual jobs use seff
, for example:
$ seff 2357
Job ID: 2357
Cluster: biocloud
User/Group: <username>
State: COMPLETED (exit code 0)
Nodes: 1
Cores per node: 96
CPU Utilized: 60-11:06:29
CPU Efficiency: 45.76% of 132-02:48:00 core-walltime
Job Wall-clock time: 1-09:01:45
Memory Utilized: 383.42 GB
Memory Efficiency: 45.11% of 850.00 GB
This information will also be shown in notification emails when jobs finish.
Multiple jobs
Perhaps a more useful way to use sacct
is through the reportseff tool (pre-installed), which can be used to calculate the CPU, memory, and time efficiencies of past jobs, so that you can optimize future jobs and ensure resources are utilized to the max (2TM). For example:
$ reportseff -u $(whoami) --format partition,jobid,state,jobname,alloccpus,reqmem,elapsed,cputime,CPUEff,MemEff,TimeEff -S r,pd,s --since d=4
Partition JobID State JobName AllocCPUS ReqMem Elapsed CPUTime CPUEff MemEff TimeEff
shared 306282 COMPLETED midasok 2 8G 00:13:07 00:26:14 4.1% 15.4% 10.9%
general 306290 COMPLETED smk-map2db-sample=barcode46 16 24G 00:01:38 00:26:08 90.6% 18.7% 2.7%
general 306291 COMPLETED smk-map2db-sample=barcode47 16 24G 00:02:14 00:35:44 92.8% 18.4% 3.7%
general 306292 COMPLETED smk-map2db-sample=barcode58 16 24G 00:02:32 00:40:32 80.3% 19.0% 4.2%
general 306293 COMPLETED smk-map2db-sample=barcode34 16 24G 00:02:16 00:36:16 78.1% 18.7% 3.8%
general 306294 COMPLETED smk-map2db-sample=barcode22 16 24G 00:02:38 00:42:08 81.1% 19.0% 4.4%
general 306295 COMPLETED smk-map2db-sample=barcode35 16 24G 00:02:26 00:38:56 79.0% 19.0% 4.1%
general 306296 COMPLETED smk-map2db-sample=barcode82 16 24G 00:01:39 00:26:24 68.9% 17.8% 2.8%
general 306297 COMPLETED smk-map2db-sample=barcode70 16 24G 00:02:04 00:33:04 76.0% 19.5% 3.4%
general 306298 COMPLETED smk-map2db-sample=barcode94 16 24G 00:01:44 00:27:44 70.1% 17.9% 2.9%
general 306331 COMPLETED smk-map2db-sample=barcode59 16 24G 00:04:00 01:04:00 87.2% 19.6% 6.7%
general 306332 COMPLETED smk-map2db-sample=barcode83 16 24G 00:02:13 00:35:28 76.3% 19.0% 3.7%
general 306333 COMPLETED smk-map2db-sample=barcode11 16 24G 00:02:49 00:45:04 81.6% 19.4% 4.7%
general 306334 COMPLETED smk-map2db-sample=barcode23 16 24G 00:03:33 00:56:48 61.6% 19.0% 5.9%
general 306598 COMPLETED smk-mapping_overview-sample=barcode46 1 4G 00:00:09 00:00:09 77.8% 0.0% 1.5%
general 306601 COMPLETED smk-mapping_overview-sample=barcode82 1 4G 00:00:09 00:00:09 77.8% 0.0% 1.5%
general 306625 COMPLETED smk-mapping_overview-sample=barcode94 1 4G 00:00:07 00:00:07 71.4% 0.0% 1.2%
general 306628 COMPLETED smk-concatenate_fastq-sample=barcode71 1 1G 00:00:07 00:00:07 71.4% 0.0% 1.2%
general 306629 COMPLETED smk-concatenate_fastq-sample=barcode70 1 1G 00:00:07 00:00:07 71.4% 0.0% 1.2%
general 306630 COMPLETED smk-concatenate_fastq-sample=barcode34 1 1G 00:00:07 00:00:07 57.1% 0.0% 1.2%
In the example above, way too much memory was requested for all the jobs in general, and also the time limits were way too long. The most important is the CPU efficiency, however, which was generally good except for one job, but it was a very small job.
Usage reports
can be used to summarize usage in many different ways, below are some examples.
Account usage by user
$ sreport cluster AccountUtilizationByUser format=account%8,login%23,used%10 -t hourper start="now-1week"
Cluster/Account/User Utilization 2024-03-13T12:00:00 - 2024-03-19T23:59:59 (561600 secs)
Usage reported in CPU Hours/Percentage of Total
Account Login Used
-------- ----------------------- ------------------
root 154251(63.71%)
root <username> 37176(15.35%)
jln 3988(1.65%)
jln <username> 2010(0.83%)
jln <username> 0(0.00%)
jln <username> 1978(0.82%)
kln 7(0.00%)
kln <username> 7(0.00%)
ma 13460(5.56%)
ma <username> 6152(2.54%)
ma <username> 2504(1.03%)
ma <username> 3710(1.53%)
ma <username> 963(0.40%)
ma <username> 131(0.05%)
md 52921(21.86%)
md <username> 18690(7.72%)
md <username> 22443(9.27%)
md <username> 11788(4.87%)
mms 17036(7.04%)
mms <username> 600(0.25%)
mms <username> 16436(6.79%)
phn 6799(2.81%)
phn <username> 114(0.05%)
phn <username> 31(0.01%)
phn <username> 6654(2.75%)
phn <username> 0(0.00%)
sss 22081(9.12%)
sss <username> 22081(9.12%)
students 638(0.26%)
students <username> 638(0.26%)
User usage by account
$ sreport cluster UserUtilizationByAccount format=login%23,account%8,used%10 -t hourper start="now-1week"
Cluster/User/Account Utilization 2024-03-13T12:00:00 - 2024-03-19T23:59:59 (561600 secs)
Usage reported in CPU Hours/Percentage of Total
Login Account Used
----------------------- -------- ------------------
<username> root 37176(15.35%)
<username> md 22443(9.27%)
<username> sss 22081(9.12%)
<username> md 18690(7.72%)
<username> mms 16436(6.79%)
<username> md 11788(4.87%)
<username> phn 6654(2.75%)
<username> ma 6152(2.54%)
<username> ma 3710(1.53%)
<username> ma 2504(1.03%)
<username> jln 2010(0.83%)
<username> jln 1978(0.82%)
<username> ma 963(0.40%)
<username> students 638(0.26%)
<username> mms 600(0.25%)
<username> compute+ 145(0.06%)
<username> ma 131(0.05%)
<username> phn 114(0.05%)
<username> phn 31(0.01%)
<username> kln 7(0.00%)
<username> phn 0(0.00%)
<username> jln 0(0.00%)
Top users
$ sreport user top topcount=20 format=login%21,account%8,used%10 start="now-1week" -t hourper
Top 20 Users 2024-03-13T11:00:00 - 2024-03-19T23:59:59 (565200 secs)
Usage reported in CPU Hours/Percentage of Total
Login Account Used
--------------------- -------- ------------------
<username> root 37176(15.26%)
<username> md 22698(9.32%)
<username> sss 22082(9.06%)
<username> md 18850(7.74%)
<username> mms 16436(6.75%)
<username> md 12038(4.94%)
<username> phn 6654(2.73%)
<username> ma 6167(2.53%)
<username> ma 3780(1.55%)
<username> ma 2504(1.03%)
<username> jln 2383(0.98%)
<username> jln 1978(0.81%)
<username> ma 963(0.40%)
<username> students 648(0.27%)
<username> mms 600(0.25%)
<username> kt 146(0.06%)
<username> ma 133(0.05%)
<username> phn 114(0.05%)
<username> kln 98(0.04%)
<username> phn 31(0.01%)