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Usage accounting

All users belong to an account (usually their PI) and all usage is tracked per user, but limitations can be set by administrators at a few different levels: at the cluster, partition, account, user, or QOS level. User associations with accounts rarely change, so in order to be able to temporarily request additional resources or obtain higher priority for certain projects, users can submit to different SLURM "Quality of Service"s (QOS). By default all users submit jobs to the normal QOS. To submit to a different QOS to obtain a higher priority first discuss with your supervisor/PI, and then contact an administrator to get permission.

Show QOS info and limitations

$ sacctmgr show qos format=name,priority,grptres,mintres,maxtres,maxtrespu,maxjobspu,maxtrespa,maxjobspa
      Name   Priority       GrpTRES       MinTRES       MaxTRES     MaxTRESPU MaxJobsPU     MaxTRESPA MaxJobsPA 
---------- ---------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- --------- ------------- --------- 
    normal          0                cpu=1,mem=1G                     cpu=576                                   
  highprio          1                cpu=1,mem=1G                    cpu=1024                                   

Undergraduate students

Undergraduate students (upto but NOT including master projects) share resources within the students account and only their combined usage is limited. View current limitations with for example:

$ sacctmgr list account students -s | head -n 3

Job resource usage summary

Running jobs

Use sstat to show the status and live usage accounting information of only running jobs. For batch scripts you need to add .batch to the job ID, for example:

$ sstat <job_id>.batch

This will print EVERY metric, so it's nice to select only a few most relevant ones, for example:

$ sstat --jobs <job_id>.batch --format=jobid,avecpu,maxrss,ntasks
Useful format variables
Variable Description
avecpu Average CPU time of all tasks in job.
averss Average resident set size of all tasks.
avevmsize Average virtual memory of all tasks in a job.
jobid The id of the Job.
maxrss Maximum number of bytes read by all tasks in the job.
maxvsize Maximum number of bytes written by all tasks in the job.
ntasks Number of tasks in a job.

For all variables see the SLURM documentation

Past jobs

To view the status of past jobs and their usage accounting information use sacct. sacct will return everything accounted for by default which is very inconvenient to view in a terminal window, so the below command will show the most essential information:

$ sacct -o jobid,jobname,start,end,NNodes,NCPUS,ReqMem,CPUTime,AveRSS,MaxRSS --user=$USER --units=G -j 138
JobID           JobName               Start                 End   NNodes      NCPUS     ReqMem    CPUTime     AveRSS     MaxRSS 
------------ ---------- ------------------- ------------------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
138          interacti+ 2023-11-21T10:43:48 2023-11-21T10:43:59        1         16        20G   00:02:56                       
138.interac+ interacti+ 2023-11-21T10:43:48 2023-11-21T10:43:59        1         16              00:02:56          0          0 
138.extern       extern 2023-11-21T10:43:48 2023-11-21T10:43:59        1         16              00:02:56      0.00G      0.00G 

There are a huge number of other options to show, see SLURM docs. If you really want to see everything use sacct --long > file.txt and dump it into a file or else it's too much for the terminal.

Job efficiency summary

Individual jobs

To view the efficiencies of individual jobs use seff, for example:

$ seff 2357
Job ID: 2357
Cluster: biocloud
User/Group: <username>
State: COMPLETED (exit code 0)
Nodes: 1
Cores per node: 96
CPU Utilized: 60-11:06:29
CPU Efficiency: 45.76% of 132-02:48:00 core-walltime
Job Wall-clock time: 1-09:01:45
Memory Utilized: 383.42 GB
Memory Efficiency: 45.11% of 850.00 GB

This information will also be shown in notification emails when jobs finish.

Multiple jobs

Perhaps a more useful way to use sacct is through the reportseff tool (pre-installed), which can be used to calculate the CPU, memory, and time efficiencies of past jobs, so that you can optimize future jobs and ensure resources are utilized to the max (2TM). For example:

$ reportseff -u $(whoami) --format partition,jobid,state,jobname,alloccpus,elapsed,cputime,CPUEff,MemEff,TimeEff -S r,pd,s --since d=4
  Partition     JobID        State                       JobName                    AllocCPUS     Elapsed        CPUTime      CPUEff   MemEff   TimeEff 
  default-op    306282     COMPLETED                     midasok                        2         00:13:07       00:26:14      4.1%    15.4%     10.9%  
   general      306290     COMPLETED           smk-map2db-sample=barcode46             16         00:01:38       00:26:08     90.6%    18.7%     2.7%   
   general      306291     COMPLETED           smk-map2db-sample=barcode47             16         00:02:14       00:35:44     92.8%    18.4%     3.7%   
   general      306292     COMPLETED           smk-map2db-sample=barcode58             16         00:02:32       00:40:32     80.3%    19.0%     4.2%   
   general      306293     COMPLETED           smk-map2db-sample=barcode34             16         00:02:16       00:36:16     78.1%    18.7%     3.8%   
   general      306294     COMPLETED           smk-map2db-sample=barcode22             16         00:02:38       00:42:08     81.1%    19.0%     4.4%   
   general      306295     COMPLETED           smk-map2db-sample=barcode35             16         00:02:26       00:38:56     79.0%    19.0%     4.1%   
   general      306296     COMPLETED           smk-map2db-sample=barcode82             16         00:01:39       00:26:24     68.9%    17.8%     2.8%   
   general      306297     COMPLETED           smk-map2db-sample=barcode70             16         00:02:04       00:33:04     76.0%    19.5%     3.4%   
   general      306298     COMPLETED           smk-map2db-sample=barcode94             16         00:01:44       00:27:44     70.1%    17.9%     2.9%   
   general      306331     COMPLETED           smk-map2db-sample=barcode59             16         00:04:00       01:04:00     87.2%    19.6%     6.7%   
   general      306332     COMPLETED           smk-map2db-sample=barcode83             16         00:02:13       00:35:28     76.3%    19.0%     3.7%   
   general      306333     COMPLETED           smk-map2db-sample=barcode11             16         00:02:49       00:45:04     81.6%    19.4%     4.7%   
   general      306334     COMPLETED           smk-map2db-sample=barcode23             16         00:03:33       00:56:48     61.6%    19.0%     5.9%   
   general      306598     COMPLETED      smk-mapping_overview-sample=barcode46         1         00:00:09       00:00:09     77.8%     0.0%     1.5%   
   general      306601     COMPLETED      smk-mapping_overview-sample=barcode82         1         00:00:09       00:00:09     77.8%     0.0%     1.5%   
   general      306625     COMPLETED      smk-mapping_overview-sample=barcode94         1         00:00:07       00:00:07     71.4%     0.0%     1.2%   
   general      306628     COMPLETED      smk-concatenate_fastq-sample=barcode71        1         00:00:07       00:00:07     71.4%     0.0%     1.2%   
   general      306629     COMPLETED      smk-concatenate_fastq-sample=barcode70        1         00:00:07       00:00:07     71.4%     0.0%     1.2%   
   general      306630     COMPLETED      smk-concatenate_fastq-sample=barcode34        1         00:00:07       00:00:07     57.1%     0.0%     1.2%   

Usage reports

sreport can be used to summarize usage in many different ways, below are some examples.

Account usage by user

$ sreport cluster AccountUtilizationByUser format=account%8,login%23,used%10 -t hourper start="now-1week"
Cluster/Account/User Utilization 2024-03-13T12:00:00 - 2024-03-19T23:59:59 (561600 secs)
Usage reported in CPU Hours/Percentage of Total
 Account                   Login               Used 
-------- ----------------------- ------------------ 
    root                             154251(63.71%) 
    root              <username>      37176(15.35%) 
     jln                                3988(1.65%) 
     jln              <username>        2010(0.83%) 
     jln              <username>           0(0.00%) 
     jln              <username>        1978(0.82%) 
     kln                                   7(0.00%) 
     kln              <username>           7(0.00%) 
      ma                               13460(5.56%) 
      ma              <username>        6152(2.54%) 
      ma              <username>        2504(1.03%) 
      ma              <username>        3710(1.53%) 
      ma              <username>         963(0.40%) 
      ma              <username>         131(0.05%) 
      md                              52921(21.86%) 
      md              <username>       18690(7.72%) 
      md              <username>       22443(9.27%) 
      md              <username>       11788(4.87%) 
     mms                               17036(7.04%) 
     mms              <username>         600(0.25%) 
     mms              <username>       16436(6.79%) 
     phn                                6799(2.81%) 
     phn              <username>         114(0.05%) 
     phn              <username>          31(0.01%) 
     phn              <username>        6654(2.75%) 
     phn              <username>           0(0.00%) 
     sss                               22081(9.12%) 
     sss              <username>       22081(9.12%) 
students                                 638(0.26%) 
students              <username>         638(0.26%) 

User usage by account

$ sreport cluster UserUtilizationByAccount format=login%23,account%8,used%10 -t hourper start="now-1week"
Cluster/User/Account Utilization 2024-03-13T12:00:00 - 2024-03-19T23:59:59 (561600 secs)
Usage reported in CPU Hours/Percentage of Total
                  Login  Account               Used 
----------------------- -------- ------------------ 
             <username>     root      37176(15.35%) 
             <username>       md       22443(9.27%) 
             <username>      sss       22081(9.12%) 
             <username>       md       18690(7.72%) 
             <username>      mms       16436(6.79%) 
             <username>       md       11788(4.87%) 
             <username>      phn        6654(2.75%) 
             <username>       ma        6152(2.54%) 
             <username>       ma        3710(1.53%) 
             <username>       ma        2504(1.03%) 
             <username>      jln        2010(0.83%) 
             <username>      jln        1978(0.82%) 
             <username>       ma         963(0.40%) 
             <username> students         638(0.26%) 
             <username>      mms         600(0.25%) 
             <username> compute+         145(0.06%) 
             <username>       ma         131(0.05%) 
             <username>      phn         114(0.05%) 
             <username>      phn          31(0.01%) 
             <username>      kln           7(0.00%) 
             <username>      phn           0(0.00%) 
             <username>      jln           0(0.00%) 

Top users

$ sreport user top topcount=20 format=login%21,account%8,used%10 start="now-1week" -t hourper
Top 20 Users 2024-03-13T11:00:00 - 2024-03-19T23:59:59 (565200 secs)
Usage reported in CPU Hours/Percentage of Total
                Login  Account               Used 
--------------------- -------- ------------------ 
          <username>      root      37176(15.26%) 
          <username>        md       22698(9.32%) 
          <username>       sss       22082(9.06%) 
          <username>        md       18850(7.74%) 
          <username>       mms       16436(6.75%) 
          <username>        md       12038(4.94%) 
          <username>       phn        6654(2.73%) 
          <username>        ma        6167(2.53%) 
          <username>        ma        3780(1.55%) 
          <username>        ma        2504(1.03%) 
          <username>       jln        2383(0.98%) 
          <username>       jln        1978(0.81%) 
          <username>        ma         963(0.40%) 
          <username>  students         648(0.27%) 
          <username>       mms         600(0.25%) 
          <username>        kt         146(0.06%) 
          <username>        ma         133(0.05%) 
          <username>       phn         114(0.05%) 
          <username>       kln          98(0.04%) 
          <username>       phn          31(0.01%)